EPJ manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Simulations of two-dimensional foam rheology: localization in linear Couette flow and the interaction of settling discs A. Wyn1, I.T. Davies1, and S.J. Cox1,2 a 1 Institute of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Aberystwyth University, Ceredigion SY23 3BZ, Wales, UK 2 UMR 5588 ? Laboratoire Spectrom?etrie Physique, B.P. 87, F-38402 St. Martin d?H`eres Cedex, France. January 7, 2008 Abstract. Surface Evolver simulations of flowing two-dimensional foams are described. These are used for two purposes. Firstly, to extract the location of the T1s, the changes in bubble topology that occur during plastic flow. It is shown that the T1s are localized in space, becoming more so as the polydispersity of the foam decreases. Secondly, the sedimentation of two circular discs through a foam un- der gravity is studied. If the discs are sufficiently close, they begin to interact and one moves behind the other during their descent. PACS. 47.57.Bc Foams and Emulsions ? 83.80.Iz Emulsions and Foams 1 Introduction Liquid foams are familiar from domes- tic use and important in industrial ap- plications including ore-separation and enhanced oil recovery [1, 2]. They are elasto-visco-plastic complex fluids with a highly nonlinear response to applied forces: at low strain they deform elas- tically, like a solid, while above a yield stress they flow like a viscous liquid [3]. Of all complex fluids, liquid foams pro- vide one of the most experimentally ac- cessible systems for study, since bubbles are objects that can have millimetric di- mensions. Moreover, Plateau?s laws [4] meanthat the internalstructureofa foam is well understood, at least at the level of the network of films. Foams thus provide a prototypical complex fluid. a email: foams@aber.ac.uk However, given the degree of disorder within the foam structure and the com- plex response, it makes sense to first con- sider two-dimensional (2D) foams, such as can be made by squeezing a foam be- tween parallel glass plates until it con- sistsof a singlelayerofbubbles [5].Other realizationsofa 2D foamincludethe bub- ble raft of Bragg and Nye [6], promoted recently by Dennin and co-workers [7, 8, 9], and the hybrid method of Cyril Stan- ley Smith [10] and Fortes and co-workers [11, 12]. A theme of current research is exploring the different responses of each of these experimental setups [13, 14], re- quiring an understanding in particular of the effects of liquid content. The mathematical idealization of a two-dimensional foam is, however, clear: a dry 2D foam at equilibrium consists of bubbles with fixed areas surrounded 2 A. Wyn et al.: 2D Foam Rheology by films that are circular arcs meeting threefoldatanglesof120? (figure1).These rules are consequences of minimization of energy [15], which is in this case the total film length multiplied by surface tension. This model, and various approx- imations to it, have long been used for simulation [16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21]. Here, we use the Surface Evolver software [22] to simulatewith highaccuracyfoamscon- sisting of many hundreds of bubbles, to predict the plastic response of 2D foams. At low strain a foam responds as an elastic medium. That is, the shear stress, given as a sum of surface tension contri- butions in the films [23, 24], increaseslin- early with strain. As the strain increases, the foam begins to yield and bubbles be- gin to slide past each other in plastic events known as T1 topological changes (figure 1) [25]. These occur when a film shrinks to zero length and a fourfold ver- tex is formed. Such a vertex is unsta- ble, andimmediately dissociatesinto two threefoldverticeswiththe connecting film now perpendicular to the vanishing one. In the notation of Wang et al. [9], two bubbles thatwerenearest-neighboursbe- come next-nearest neighbours, and vice versa. Each T1 event contributes a drop in both total film length and stress. LocalizationofT1 events,also referred to as shear banding, has been described in experiments in an annular wide-gap Couette viscometer [26]. After an initial transient, the majority of T1 events oc- cur close to the inner moving wall. Sim- ilar results have been found in simula- tions [27]. In linear Couette shear be- tween parallel side-walls, there is also lo- calization of T1s. In this geometry, since the shear stress should be homogeneous there is no preferred location for the lo- calized region based upon the boundary conditions,confirmedbyPottsmodel [28] and Surface Evolver [19] simulations. The presence of phenomena such as shear localization presents a non-trivial obstacle to the development of contin- uum models for foam rheology [29, 30]. Approaches such as the theory of shear transformationzones[31] alsorequirethat the local dynamics is first understood. In ?2 we predict the width of the lo- calized region in linear Couette shear, and its dependence on the area disorder of the foam. This is, in effect, a predic- tion of the degree to which the foam is fluidized under shear. In the limit of zero area disorder - a monodisperse foam - T1 events tend to occur in a very nar- row band and shear-induced crystalliza- tion is evident. We show here that mak- ing a foam more polydisperse widens the localized region and can thus reduce the amount of static foam present. We characterizethepolydispersity,or volumetricdisorder,ofa foamby the sec- ond moment of the distribution of bub- ble areas A: ?2(A) = angbracketleftbigg(A??A?)2 ?A?2 angbracketrightbigg (1) where??denotesanaverageoverthe whole foam. In contrast to the disorder in the number of sidesnofeachbubble, ?2(n) = ?(n ? 6)2?, which varies in time due to T1s, the area disorder is fixed in each of our simulations. That is, we exclude inter-bubblegasdiffusion(coarsening)and film collapse. The elastic response of a foam is characterized by the shear mod- ulus [32], which decreases by up to 10% at both high topological and high volu- metric disorder [23]. In a further effort to understand the response of a foam, we consider a ge- ometry in which we know approximately where the T1s will occur, and ask what is the interaction between the foam flow and an embedded object (?3). A number of authors have studied the flow of a 2D foam past a fixed object, with both experiments [12, 33, 34, 35] and simulations [36, 35]. The drag and lift forces on the object are due to a number of contributions. At low veloc- ity the dominant ones are the force from the tensions in the films attached to the object and the pressures in the bubbles that touch it. For a circular object in the centre of a channel the drag force increases with object diameter [36, 37] and decreaseswith increasing liquid frac- tion [35]. For asymmetric objects such as an aerofoils [12], and for circular objects A. Wyn et al.: 2D Foam Rheology 3 Fig. 1. An ideal 2D foam consists of films that are circular arcs, meeting at 120?. The sequence of images shows a T1 topological change. The intermediate step with the fourfold vertex is energetically unstable. The orientation of a T1 is characterized by the lines joining bubble centres adjacent to the deleted and created films, marked by dashed lines. close to one of the walls of the channel, there is in addition a lift force. For an aerofoil this is a negative lift [12], while for the circularobjectit pointsawayfrom the wall [36]. Related work in three dimensions is concerned with single spheres, with a di- ameter larger than the bubble size, be- ing pulled [38, 39, 40] or dropped [41, 42] through a foam. In ?3 we examine the the interaction betweentwo circulardiscsfalling through a foam under their own weight. We aim to answer questions such as the condi- tionsunder whichtwo objectsfalling thr- ough a foam are mutually attracted or repelled, as has been done for a num- ber of viscoelastic fluids [43, 44, 45]. The answers will give guidance in determin- ing the effect of a wake in a discretized elasto-plastic fluid. To guide our intuition we recall work on the flow of a foam past an ellipse: Dol- let et al. [46] found that the only sta- ble orientation of an ellipse was with its long axis parallel to the direction of flow. This is a feature of elastic fluids [47]. Is it therefore the case that the plastic events arenot significant in determining this as- pect of the foam response, and we can treat it as an elastic liquid? 2 The localization of topological changes in linear Couette shear We describe simulations of the slow lin- ear Couette shear of a 2D foam confined betweenparallelwalls(figure2).The area dispersity ?2(A) is varied to determine how the width of the localized region de- pends upon this parameter. 2.1 Method We usethe SurfaceEvolver[22]in a mode in which each film is represented as a cir- cular arc. We use foams of N = 1120 bubbles, in a channel of width W = 3.2 and length L = 8.0, giving an average bubble size of?A? = 0.0229and about 21 bubbles between the walls. The value of surface tension, which should be thought of as a line tension with units of energy per unit length, is taken equal to one throughout. A realistic foam structure is found byminimizing the totalfilmlength subject to the prescribed bubble areas. For some parameter values we doubled the number of bubbles in the x? direc- tion to ensure that the results were not affected by the possibility of system-wide avalanchesofT1 events(data not shown). The simulation procedure is as fol- lows. A Voronoi construction [48] is first used to generate a fully periodic tessel- lation of the plane. Bubbles at the top and bottom are sequentially deleted un- til the required number of bubbles re- mains. This structure is imported into the Surface Evolver and peripheral films constrained to one of the two side-walls, a distance W apart. New bubble areas are determined randomly from a Weibull distribution: f(A;?,?) = ?? parenleftbiggA ? parenrightbigg??1 e?(A/?)?. (2) 4 A. Wyn et al.: 2D Foam Rheology L Wy x Fig. 2. An example of the foams used to simulate linear Couette shear in a channel, with ?2(A) = 0.175. The channel is periodic in the x direction. To shear the foam the side-wall at the top of the image is moved to the right (positive x-direction) in small increments d?. Those films that meet the side-walls have their ends pinned to the wall (no-slip condition). The parameter ? > 1 determines the area dispersity and the parameter ? is chosen as ? = 1.115?A?(so that the peak of the distribution is close to A = ?A?). The second moment of this distribution is ?2(A) = ? parenleftbigg 1 + 2? parenrightbigg ? parenleftbigg 1 + 1? parenrightbigg2 ?1 (3) where ? is the Gamma function. The limit ? ? ? corresponds to a monodis- perse foam (?2(A) = 0); decreasing ? leads to increasingly polydisperse foams. Note that since our foam sample is finite, the value of ? chosen for each simula- tion can lead to slightly different values of ?2(A). The initial structure for each simula- tion is found by reducing the total film length to a local minimum. During this minimization T1s are triggered by delet- ing each film that shrinks below a cer- tain length lc and allowing a new films to form to complete the process. The criti- cal length lc is a measure of liquid frac- tion ? [36], but we keep it small enough here (lc = 0.005throughout, correspond- ing to ? = 2.6?10?4) that it should not affect the results [27]. To shear the foam, a small step in strain is applied by moving one of the confining walls a distance d?, moving all vertices affinely, and then reducing the film length to a minimum. In this way, the foam passes through a sequence of equilibrium states, appropriate to an ap- plied strain with strain rate much lower than the rate of equilibration after T1s. The value d? = 0.0078was used through- out, and the foam sheared up to a total strain of at least ? = 5. 2.2 Position of T1s Figure 3 shows the T1 positions in foams at three representative values of ?2(A). Plotting the y position of a T1 against strain, or the number of iterations, indi- cates that for each value of ?2(A) there is an initial transient that lasts up to ap- proximately unit strain. In the monodis- perse case shown in figure 3(a), the T1s mostly occur close to the moving wall. Although thisis notthe casefor allof our simulations in the monodisperse limit, we found that monodisperse foams usu- ally localize near one of the walls (see fig- ure4(a)). Asthe polydispersityincreases, the width ofthe localizedregionincreases and it often occurs further from the walls (figure 4(a)). At large values of polydis- persity (small ?) the T1s occur almost throughout the channel. For the inter- mediate value of ?2(A) shown in figure 3(b), we note that plotting the data on y vs x axes illustrates a slight undulation in the localized region. We measure the width lw of the lo- calized region as follows. After the tran- A. Wyn et al.: 2D Foam Rheology 5 (a) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8x position yp os iti on 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 1 2 3 4 5 yp os iti on Strain Iterations (b) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8x position yp os iti on 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 1 2 3 4 5 yp os iti on Strain Iterations (c) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8x position yp os iti on 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 1 2 3 4 5 yp os iti on Strain Iterations Fig. 3. Locations of topological changes in simulations at three values of ?2(A), shown on y vs x axes (left-hand column) and on y vs ? (strain or number of iterations) axes (right hand column). (a) Monodisperse (?2(A) = 0,? ? ?). (b) Moderately polydisperse (the foam in figure 2, ?2(A) = 0.175). (c) Highly polydisperse (?2(A) = 0.561). The vertical bars show the position and width of the localized region after the transient; they are centred at the average y position of the T1s, averaged in groups of Ns = 100 iterations, and their total height encompasses the foam width within which 90% of T1s occur. sient, taken to be the first 200 iterations, we find the mean y position of the T1s in bins of Ns iterations. The localisa- tion width wl is the interval in y position within which 90% of T1s are found. We find that Ns = 100 gives the best mea- sure of wl, that is, it balances the need to have many points in each bin with the desire to accurately reflect the width of the evolving localization. Figure 4(b) shows the increase of lo- calisation width wl/W with disorder. It is clear that at high disorder, and for narrow (low W foams), the localized re- gion may encompass the whole foam. At low disorder, crystallization is more fre- quent, and localization usually occurs in a narrow band. We find the following rule of thumb: wl W ? radicalbig ?2(A). (4) On a few occasions (data not shown) we found that two narrow localized regions persisted up to strains of about 3. 6 A. Wyn et al.: 2D Foam Rheology (a) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 wradicalbig ?2(A) yp os iti on (b) 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 1e-005 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 0.1 1 10 wl /W w/ radicalbig ?A ? ?2(A) Fig. 4. (a) The position of the centre of the localized region, given as the average of the mean y position of the T1s in each group of Ns = 100 iterations after the transient. Each point corresponds to one full simulation. As the foam becomes less disordered, the T1s localize closer to the walls, but without showing a preference for either the stationary or moving wall. (b) The width of the localized region wl/W, given as the width of foam within which 90% of T1s occur after the transient, increases with area disorder ?2(A). Note the log axes. The right-hand axis indicates the localization width in terms of bubble diameters. The straight line has slope one-half: wl/W = 0.8 radicalbig ?2(A). 2.3 Angular dependence of T1s Wang et al. [9] recorded the orientation of the disappearing film and the newly- createdfilmduring eachT1 eventin their experiments on a sheared bubble raft. This is done by drawing a line between the centres of the bubbles neighbouring each film, in consecutive images brack- eting the T1 event, as in figure 1. The distributions of angles show peaks at an- gles of about 45? and 135? respectively to the walls of the channel. The height of the peak increases with shear-rate, and at low shear rate a small ?knee? appears at about 90?, i.e. parallel to the direction of shear. From our simulations we can extract the same data, in the limit of low shear- rate. Figure 5 shows these distributions, with data obtained after the transient in each simulation. We find the same peak for the filmsthat disappear,but the most probable orientation for new films is at 30?. Moreover, no detail is seen around 90?. We therefore believe that this dis- crepancy is due to the high liquid con- tent in the bubble raft experiments, un- attainable with the methods described here. Although we do not probe the effect of shear-rate on the height of the peak (as could be done with the Viscous Froth Model [49]), we see that it is strongly affected by polydispersity: monodisperse foams exhibit a much higher peak. This is perhaps suggestiveof hexagonal order- ing, although we did not test this explic- itly (e.g. by measuring ?2(n), with n the number of sides of a bubble). 2.4 Other predictions Our ultimate goal is to predict the re- gion of a foam where localization will oc- cur from the initial structure. Given that there are many T1s throughout the foam during the transient, this is difficult. To begin, we seek ways of characterizing the foam structure, and then following these characterizations through each simula- tion to detect robust changes when the foam localizes. In particular, these meth- ods should be able extractable from a single image of a foam at a given time, rather thanrequiringthe trackingofbub- bles from video analysis. Our structural measures extract the distribution ofvariousquantitiesasa func- tion of y. In particular, we seek to char- acterize the area distribution of a foam. Five methods were investigated: A. Wyn et al.: 2D Foam Rheology 7 (a) 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 ?2(?) = 0.43 ?2(?) = 0.13 ?2(?) = 0.076 ?2(?) = 0.051 ?2(?) = 0.0065 ?2(?) = 0.0017 ?2(?) = 0.00016 Orientation (degrees) PD F (b) 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 ?2(?) = 0.43 ?2(?) = 0.13 ?2(?) = 0.076 ?2(?) = 0.051 ?2(?) = 0.0065 ?2(?) = 0.0017 ?2(?) = 0.00016 Orientation (degrees) PD F Fig. 5. The distribution of the angle made with the x axis by a line joining the centres of the two bubbles neighbouring a film that (a) disappears and (b) is created during a T1 event. The former peaks at around 30? and the latter at 135?. 1. wefindthe centre(xc,yc) ofeachbub- ble by averaging the coordinates of itsvertices,and calculatethe histogram of yc in 20 bins; 2. for each value of y0 ? [0,W] we cal- culate the average area Ay of those bubbles that intersect the line y = y0; 3. wefindthe centre(xc,yc) ofeachbub- ble by averaging the coordinates of its vertices, and calculate the local foam disorder ?2(A), from (1), in 20 bins based upon yc; 4. for each value of y0 ? [0,W] we cal- culate the average length Ly of the line y = y0 that is covered by each bubble, sometimes referred to as the linear intercept method [50]; 5. we calculate the texture tensor [51] based upon bubble centres in 20 bins. Figure 6 shows these structural mea- sures for the foam in figures 2 and 3(b) at the beginning and end of the simu- lation, i.e. before and after localization has occurred. All measures are uniform at the beginning of the simulation, sug- gesting that it is not possible to predict where a foam will localize. Method 4, Ly, is the only 1D struc- tural measure to give a clear indication that the foam has localized. Note that it does have the disadvantage that large fluctuationsareobservedfor orderedstruc- tures. The texture tensor, method 5, is the tensorial equivalent ofLy. It is more sen- sitive than the latter but more difficult to extract from the data. We shall return to it in future work, in addition to other measures such as the local stress in the foam. 3 Movement of discs through a foam We describe simulations that probe the interaction between macroscopic objects falling through a foam. The system un- der study consists of two circular discs, whosediametersareequalandlargerthan the bubble size. Recall that an elliptical object tries to align itself with the foam flow [46]. Here, we show that when the discs are sufficiently close, one of them moves behind the other. Thediscs? motioniscommencedfrom a positionnear the top of a monodisperse foam. They descend under the action of three forces, defined in figure 7: (i) grav- ity; (ii) the resultant tension force Fn due to the network of films that contact each obstacle; (iii) the resultant pressure force Fp from the bubbles that touch eachobstacle.The filmstouching the discs are not uniformly distributed around the circumference: as figure 8(a) shows, they bunch up behind the obstacle. It is this inhomogeneity that leads to the resul- tant network and pressure forces. For each disc the network force is a sum over those films j that touch the disc. Each film meets the disc perpen- dicularly, and makes an angle ? with the 8 A. Wyn et al.: 2D Foam Rheology 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 1 2 3 4 5 yp os iti on Measure Fig. 6. The five measures of foam structure are shown from left to right for the foam in figure 3(b), both at the beginning and the end of the simulation. It is clear that the foam is initially fairly isotropic, and that none of the methods 1 to 3 indicate that any structural change has occurred during the evolution. In contrast, the peak around y ? 1.7 in Ly (method 4) corresponds to the region where the T1s have localized. The tensorial texture tensor (method 5) also shows this feature, as well as indicating that the bubbles are more closely aligned (cf. figure 5). y direction [36]. Thus: Fn = ? summationdisplay filmsj (sin?j,cos?j). (5) The pressure force is a sum over all bub- bles touching the obstacle: Fp = summationdisplay bubblesk pklk(sin?k,cos?k). (6) where pk is the pressure inside the bub- ble, lk is the length of contact, and ?k is the angle that the inward normal at the midpoint of the line of contact makes with the y-direction. 3.1 Method We perform quasi-static simulations as described in?2.1, using a foam with N = 727bubbles, width W = 0.792andlength L = 1. The bubble size is therefore A ? 1 ? 10?3 (it shrinks slightly in propor- tional to the disc size, since the total area of the foam and two disc system is constant). The cut-off length for T1 events is lc = 0.002, corresponding to a dry foam with ? ? 1?10?3. The channel is periodic in the y direction, parallel to the direction of gravity, and we stop the simulations before either of the discs re- turns to the top of the foam. Films that meet the side-walls have that end fixed throughout each simulation (no-slip con- dition). The ends of films that touch the discs are free to slide, so as to be able to make an equilibrium 90? angle (slip condition). Our dimensionless units are chosen so that the line tension ? has the value 1. We choose the discs to have equal ar- eas in the range 2A to 7A and equal weights of w = 10 irrespective of their size. We first ensured that this value of weight is large enough that the discs are not brought to a halt by the opposing forces due to film tensions and bubble pressures. Two starting configurations are cho- sen, as shown in figure 8. The disc cen- tres are initially separated by a distance di, either horizontally (i = 1) or verti- cally (i = 2). In the first configuration, there is a possibility of a small lift force due to, and perpendicular to, the walls [36], acting to push the discs together; we quantify this in ?3.2 and show that A. Wyn et al.: 2D Foam Rheology 9 Fig. 7. The position of each disc evolves under the gravitational, tension and pressure forces shown. the discs are far enough from the wall that it is negligible. The second case has the advantage that the lift force on each disc should be zero on average. The simulations proceed as follows. A foam containing the two discs in their starting positions is relaxed to equilib- rium, using the method described in [35]. At each iteration, the resultant forces on each disc in the x and y directions are calculated and the disc centres moved according to ?x = ?(Fnx +Fpx), ?y = ?parenleftbigFny +Fpy +wparenrightbig, (7) where the subscripts denote the x and y components of the forces. The parame- ter ? = 5 ? 10?4 measures how far the centres are moved at each iteration. The foam perimeter (energy) is then brought back to a local minimum with the discs fixed.This comprisesoneiteration,which is repeated until a disc reaches the bot- tom of the simulation cell. Representa- tive paths of two discs are shown in fig- ure 9. 3.2 Wall effects To estimate the effect to which the lat- eral movement observed is due to the wall, we ran simulations for each con- figuration with and without one of the discs present. For a simulation of con- figuration 1 in which the discs are far enough apart that they do not interact, in contrast to figure 9(a), figure 10(a) shows that the motion of the left-hand disc changes little when the right-hand disc is removed. We therefore surmise that the wall has no influence on the mo- tion of the discs here. In configuration 2, figure 10(b) shows that the lower disc perturbs the foam in such a way that the upper disc moves more quickly than if it were not present. Neither disc moves sideways to a great extent. 3.3 Varying disc size We now fix the initial centre-to-centre separation of the discs and measure how the separationevolvesduring thedescent for discs of different size. For configura- tion 1, figure 11 shows that, in general, the area of the discs makes little differ- ence. In all but one case one of the discs falls behind the other one. That our sys- tem always chooses the left-hand disc is probablyan artefact due to the foam cre- ation step. Fixing the initialcentre-to-centresep- aration of the discs in configuration 2 leads to the result, shown in figure 12, that the distance between the discs is re- duced more quickly when the discs are smaller. This can be attributed to the fact thatsmaller discsexperiencea smaller drag force [36], and are therefore more affected by small changes in the foam structure in the wake of another disc. 10 A. Wyn et al.: 2D Foam Rheology Fig. 8. Two discs in a monodisperse 2D foam confined in a channel of width W. (a) Configuration 1, in which the discs start side-by-side, with a distance d1 between their centres and an angle ? made by the line joining their centres. (b) Configuration 2, in which the discs start one above the other a distance d2 apart. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 x positionx position yp os iti on yp os iti on Fig. 9. The motion of the disc centres in two typical simulations. Disc area is 4.5A. (a) Configuration 1, with d1 = 0.08. Here, both discs move a small distance to the right, and the disc that began on the left of the foam advances more slowly and moves behind the right-hand disc. (b) Configuration 2, with d2 = 0.2. The discs barely deviate to the sides, but the higher disc moves slightly faster in the wake of the lower one. A. Wyn et al.: 2D Foam Rheology 11 (a) 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0 50 100 150 200 Second Disc Removed Second Disc Included rep lac em en x po sit ion Iterations 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 50 100 150 200 Second Disc Removed Second Disc Included yp os iti on Iterations (b) 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0 50 100 150 200 Second Disc Removed Second Disc Included x po sit ion Iterations 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 50 100 150 200 Second Disc Removed Second Disc Included yp os iti on Iterations Fig. 10. The position of the disc centres with disc area 3.5A. (a) In configuration 1, the presence of the right-hand disc (with d1 = 0.24) does not affect the descent of the left-hand one. (b) In configuration 2, the upper disc descends more quickly when the lower disc (a distance d2 = 0.2 away) is present, but they do not deviate sideways. (a) 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Se pa ra tio n d1 /? A Iterations 2A 2.5A 3A 3.5A 4.5A 7A (b) pi/2 pi/4 0 -pi/4 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 An gle ,? Iterations 2A 2.5A 3A 3.5A 4.5A 7A Fig. 11. (a) The separation, measured in bubblewidths, of the disc centres in configuration 1 for a range of disc areas, expressed in multiples of the bubble area. The initial separation is close to 3 bubble widths. On average there is a slight increase in the separation between the discs, and no clear trend with disc size. (b) The angle ? made by the line joining the disc centres. In all but one case the left-hand disc moves behind the right-hand one. 3.4 Varying disc separation The results for configuration 1 in figure 11 may be difficult to interpret because the distance between the edges of the discs varies as well as their areas. This means that there are a different number ofbubbles betweenthe discsin eachcase. We now fix the disc size and vary the ini- tial separation between the edges of the discs. Figure 13 emphasizes that discs which startclosertogether aremorelikely to interact, and for one to move behind the other. 12 A. Wyn et al.: 2D Foam Rheology 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Se pa ra tio n d2 /? A Iterations 2A 3.5A 4A 5A 5.5A Fig. 12. The separation, measured in bubble widths, of the two discs in configuration 2. The upper disc ?catches up? the lower disc, and it does so more quickly if the discs are smaller. 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0.1W 0.2W 0.3W 0.4W No rm ali ze d Se pa ra tio n Iterations pi/2 pi/4 0 -pi/4 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0.1W 0.2W 0.3W 0.4W An gle ,? Iterations Fig. 13. The separation, normalized by the initial separation, and the angle made by the line joining the centres of the two discs in Configuration 1. The initial separations in the key are given in terms of the width W of the foam. For the closest discs, the left-hand disc moves behind the right-hand one, while for the next closest pair the reverse occurs. 4 Conclusion We have shown that localization in the linear Couetteshearof a 2Dfoamishighly dependent on the polydispersity in bub- ble areas. At high dispersity, the local- ized region can extend throughout the foam, with the width of this region de- pendent upon the square-root of the sec- ond moment of area disorder, ?2(A). A signature of the localization is given by a 1D measure of the polydispersity, Ly, enabling us to probe how bubbles read- just to the shear and allow T1s to collect in specific regions of the foam. The results begin to explain why the simulations of Kabla and Debregeas [52] indicatethat T1soccur closeto the walls: the area dispersity is low in their case, so that we expect the localised region to be near a wall. Our simulationsof two discs descend- ing through a foam probe the interac- tions between falling objects. We have shown that small particles move faster in the wake of another, and that for suf- ficiently close pairs of particles one is at- tracted into the wake of the other. Given the elastic nature of the interaction, and the discrete nature of the foam which al- lows single bubbles to detach from the disc and possibly move upwards, we are currentlyworkingtowardsextracting the bubble displacement field to test for the phenomenon of a ?negative wake? [53]. It remainsto investigatethe effects of a polydisperse foam, although we expect these to be small, and the interaction be- tween more particles/discs. We are cur- rently pursuing an experimental realiza- tion of this system, to ascertain the ap- plicability of the results given here. For both systems studied here, and indeed for foam research in general, the influence of liquid is important. Extend- ing this work to wet foams presents a A. Wyn et al.: 2D Foam Rheology 13 challenge to simulation, although this is itself overshadowed by the demands of three-dimensional calculations on wet foams. Acknowledgements We thank K. Brakke for developing, dis- tributing andsupporting theSurfaceEvolver and for providing the script to gener- ate Voronoi input. This work benefited from discussions with D. Weaire, K. Kr- ishan and F. Graner. Financial support is gratefully acknowledged from EPSRC (EP/D048397/1,EP/D071127/1)andthe British Council Alliance programme. References 1. J.J. Bikerman. 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