Implementing inhibition of return; embodied visual memory for robotic systems Martin Hcurrency1ulse Sebastian McBride Mark Lee Dept. of Computer Science, Aberystwyth University, SY23 3DB, Wales, UK Abstract Based on the biological phenomenon of inhibi- tion of return, we introduce an architecture de- veloped for an active robotic vision system where continually updated global information is used to modulate the action selection process for saccadic camera movements. This facilitates, in an ex- tremely ef?cient way, the fundamental process of avoiding re-saccading to objects previously vis- ited and, thus, is considered to have a wide- ranging application within active vision systems. Inhibition of return (IOR) refers to the suppression of stimuli (objects and events) processing where those stimuli have previously (and recently) been the focus of spatial attention (Lupianez et al., 2006). In this sense, it forms the basis of attentional (and thus visual) bias to- wards novel objects. Although the neural mechanism underpinning IOR is not completely understood, it is well established that the dorsal frontoparietal network, including frontal eye ?elds (FEF) and superior parietal cortex are the primary structures mediating its control (Mayer et al., 2004). These are some of the many mod- ulatory and affecting structures of the deep superior col- liculus (optic tectum in non-mammals), the primary mo- tor structure controlling saccade. Although visual in- formation from the retina starts at the super?cial su- perior colliculus, and there are direct connections be- tween the super?cial and deep layers, the former can- not elicit saccade directly (Stein and Meredith, 1991). This information has to be subsequently processed by a number of cortical and sub-cortical structures that place it: 1) in context of attentional bias within egocentric saliencymaps(posteriorparietalcortex)(Gottlieb, 2007), 2) the aforementioned IOR inputs from other modali- ties (Stein et al., 2002), 3) overriding voluntary saccades (frontal eye ?elds) (Stein et al., 2002) and 4) basal gan- glia action selection (McHaf?e et al., 2005). Thus, bio- logically there exists a highly developed, context speci?c method for facilitating the most appropriate saccade as a form of attention selection. All of the above saccade- affecting attributes have valuable robotic application but inhibition of return is potentially the most useful in the earlier stages of constructing a saccade system that is attention rather than visual-input driven. For example, within the most basic of active vision system tasks where static objects of the same shape and color are systemat- ically saccaded to (i.e. brought to the centre of image), there is a consistent need for a mechanism whereby ob- jects already scanned are ignored (i.e. inhibition of re- turn). The primary issue here is that similar image data can emerge in very different image locations, thus the only way of knowing whether an image feature has pre- viously been saccaded to or not, is to store that informa- tion at the global level. In the following we introduce an architecture developed for a robotic active vision sys- tem where that architecture enables the system to inte- grate and update global information which can in turn modulatetheactionselectionprocessforsaccadiccamera movements. The active vision system consists of two cameras (both provide RGB 1032x778 image data) mounted on a mo- torised pan-tilt-verge unit. Three degrees of freedom (DOF) are used: one verge movement for each camera and one tilt which moves both cameras. Each motor is controlled by determining its position in radians (rad) where the state of the active vision system is fully de- termined by the motor positions of the tilt, left and right verge axis, (ptilt, pvL, pvR). The overall computational architecture is illustrated in Figure 1. It consists of three main parts implementing: 1) ?ltering image data, 2) action selection and execution and 3) the operation of the visual memory. The latter is the central feature of this architecture and main objective ofthispaper. Withoutthevisualmemory, actionselection and the resulting saccadic eye movements are determined solely by the current retina image data. Hence, similar visual inputs (RGB image) lead to the same saccade, no matter how often this speci?c saccade has been executed before. With a visual memory in place, however, speci?c motor positions (ptilt, pvL, pvR) resulting from a success- ful saccadic camera movement can be stored. This infor- mation can then be used to merge the camera image data with the data representing the items present in the visual memory (i.e. those previously saccaded to). The inhibi- tion of return process can then be simply carried out by subtracting the latter from the former, essentially trans- forming the original camera input into a ?retina-based saliency map? where, objects in the visual memory have been inhibited leaving unsaccaded objects to compete for wX ? ? ? tilt vL vR( p , p , p ) saliency mapoverlaid withvisual memory tilt vL vR(X,Y, p , p , p )* tilt vL vR(X,Y, p , p , p )*? ? ? list of non?zero pixels(X,Y)* tilt vL vR(p , p , p ) tilt vL vR(p , p , p ) RGB imagewRet x hRet filter Cfilter Bfilter Aw w A CwB BG (WTA)wRet x hRet ({0/1},X,Y)*visual memoryin gaze space (X,Y) filter X wRet x hRet mappingfor eye?saccade ? wRet x hRet activevisionsystemmappingsaccadefor eye? wRet x hRet + +saliency mapretina based Filter andAction? Integrationand updatememoryof the visual selectionexecution RBSM LVMM OSM Figure 1: Architecture for embodied visual memory. the next saccade. In the following the core function of this architecture shall be described in more detail. A visual buffer (local visual memory map or LVMM). and the mapping for the saccadic eye movement (retina based saliency map or RBSM) are the essential elements necessary to create the so called overlaid saliency map (OSM), see Figure 1. The OSM then feeds into an action selection process: Basal Ganglia, (BG). The LVMM rep- resents stimuli which have corresponding entries in the visual memory. The creation of the LVMM is, thus, a crucial part of the architecture. This process starts with RBSMwhere, foreachno-zeropixelinRBSM,thecorre- sponding?values (?ptilt, ?pvL,?pvR) arederived. These ? values are learnt beforehand through a mapping pro- cess previously described (Lee et al., 2007). Hence, for each non-zero pixel in RBSM we get the relative mo- tor positions (?ptilt,?pvL, ?pvR) which drives the par- ticular pixel into the image center. The result of this step is stored as a list where each entry is written as: (X,Y,?ptilt,?pvL,?pvR). Notice, in Figure 1 an aster- isk signi?es a list. Adding these ?-values to the cur- rent absolute motor positions (ptilt, pvL, pvR) provided by the active vision system delivers the ?nal absolute motor positions of the active vision system if a saccade move- ment was executed. This is again represented as a list: (X,Y, ptilt, pvL, pvR). Thus, the ?-values are replaced by the ?nal absolute motor positions. With this global infor- mation the system can now easily ask if a speci?c pixel (X,Y) in the current RBSM has a corresponding item in the visual memory. If the derived absolute motor posi- tions of pixel (X,Y) can be found in the visual memory thenthispixelislabelledwithvalueof1otherwiseitisla- beled as 0. Thus, all list entries appear as: (X,Y,{0,1}). From this list we can then create the LVMM which has the same dimensions as RBSM. Since LVMM contains all previously saccaded to pixels (value 1.0), substraction from RBSM results in the aforementioned ?retina-based saliency map? and an accurate mapping of objects that have not yet been saccaded to. Although several computational models of inhibition of return of have been put forward e.g. (Sun et al., 2008), the robotic implementation of such a process has, until now, not been fully described. It is noted, however, that the implementation of the architecture presented here, by using lists to store and process data, is not biologically plausible. However, this provides a good real-time per- formance, and thus is considered as a pragmatic balance between biological constraint and robotic ef?ciency. Acknowledgment Thanks for support from EC-FP7 projects IM-CLeVeR and ROSSI, and EPSRC, grant EP/C516303/1. References Gottlieb, J. (2007). From thought to action: The parietal cortex as a bridge between perception, action, and cognition. Neuron, 53, 1, 9-16. 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