A Novel Framework of Fuzzy Complex Numbers and its Application to Compositional Modelling Xin Fu and Qiang Shen Abstract?Dealing with various inexact pieces of information has become an intrinsically important issue in knowledge- based reasoning, because many problem domains involve im- precise, incomplete and uncertain information. Indeed, different approaches exist for reasoning with inexact knowledge and data. However, the common strategy they adopt is to integrate various types of inexact information into a global measure. This may destroy the underlying semantics associated with different information components. This paper presents an innovative notion of fuzzy complex numbers (FCNs), which extends real complex numbers to representing two-dimensional uncertainties conjunctively without necessarily integrating them. This new framework is applied to supporting Compositional Modelling (CM). In particular, calculus of FCNs over arithmetic and propositional relations is developed to entail scenario model synthesis from model fragments, and modulus of FCNs is introduced to constrain the scenario descriptions. The utility and usefulness of this work are illustrated by means of an example for constructing possible scenario descriptions from given evidence in the crime investigation domain. I. INTRODUCTION Solving many real-world problems requires the use of inexact information captured in a variety of forms. Concep- tually, such information may be classified into the following four types, which are of particular interest to the present work: 1) Vagueness: It occurs when the boundary of a piece of information can not be determined precisely (e.g. Bob is tall). 2) Uncertainty: It depicts the reliability or confidential weight of a given piece of information, usually represented by a numerical value (e.g. The suspect overpowers the victim, with certainty degree 0.7). 3) Both vagueness and uncertainty: That is, types 1 and 2 coexist (e.g. The amount of collected fiber is a lot, with certainty degree 0.7). 4) Both vagueness and uncertainty with the uncertainty also expressed in vague terms: Instead of using numerical values, the uncertainty is described by a fuzzy number or linguistic term (e.g. The amount of collected fiber is a lot, with certainty degree very likely). To address such information, much work has been devel- oped, especially to support reasoning with inexact knowledge and data. Although the application domains and problem- solving approaches may be rather different, they all aim to in- tegrate the underlying distinct bits of inexact information into a global measure. Whilst different kinds of information may be effectively integrated in these approaches, the underlying semantics associated with different information components may be destroyed. Thus, it is of great interest and potentially beneficial to establish a new mechanism which will maintain Xin Fu (email: xxf06@aber.ac.uk) and Qiang Shen (email: qqs@aber.ac.uk) are with the Department of Computer Science, Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth, UK. the associated semantics when perform reasoning without necessarily using just one global scale. Inspired by this observation, this paper proposes a novel framework of fuzzy complex numbers (FCNs) that will entail effective and efficient representation of aforementioned types of inexact information conjunctively and explicitly. Note that the term FCNs is not new; the concept of conventional complex numbers has been extended with fuzzy set theory for the purpose of providing richer representations. In particular, a fuzzy complex number has been defined in [1] as a type- 1 fuzzy set, mapping from the complex plane to [0,1].The basic arithmetic operations including addition, substraction, multiplication and division have been developed for such fuzzy complex numbers, using the extension principle. Fur- ther, the differentiation and integration of this type of fuzzy complex number is proposed in [2], [3], with more advanced follow-on work given in [14], [15]. Also, another notion that connects real complex numbers to fuzzy sets is introduced in [11], where a new type of set, named complex fuzzy sets, is suggested to allow the membership value of a standard fuzzy set to be represented using a classical complex number. Basic set theoretic operations are defined on complex fuzzy sets, including complement, union and intersection. However, as indicated in [11], it can be a difficult task to acquire intuition for the concept of complex-valued membership. This limits significantly the potential application of such fuzzy sets. Nevertheless, work has continued along this theme of research. This is evident in that a framework of fuzzy reasoning systems that incorporate complex fuzzy sets in propositional logic has been proposed in [4]. Briefly, existing work on so-called fuzzy complex numbers or complex fuzzy sets is framed by either giving conventional complex numbers a real-valued membership or assigning a fuzzy set element with a complex number as its membership value. These are rather different from what is proposed in this paper, where both the real and imaginary values of an FCN are in general, themselves fuzzy numbers, with each having an embedded semantic meaning. In particular, the paper introduces for the first time the mathematical definition and operations of such FCNs. This work is applied to support Compositional Modelling (CM) in an effort to deal with inexact knowledge and data. CM has been developed to synthesize and store plausible scenarios in many problem domains with promising results [5], [9], [10], [12]. In this paper, the calculus of FCNs over propositional and arithmetic relations is introduced, thereby entailing scenario model gen- eration from model fragments. Also, it defines the modulus of FCNs, which is applied to constrain the scenario descriptions. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II introduces the background that sets the scene for the present work. Section III proposes the innovative notion of FCNs, which extends real-valued complex numbers to representing two-dimensional uncertainties. The proposed new type of FCNs is integrated in the process of model composition, with a propagation algorithm provided, in Section IV. This is followed by an illustrative example in Section V, showing the utility and usefulness of the proposed approach to support equivocal death investigation. Finally, Section VI concludes the paper and points out future research. II. OUTLINE OF COMPOSITIONAL MODELLING One of the most significant advantages of using CM is its ability to automatically construct many variations of a given type of scenario from a relatively small knowledge base. In existing work, it is traditionally assumed that the generic and reusable model fragments within the knowledge base can all be expressed by precise and crisp information. However, significant challenges arise for problems where the degree of inexactness of available knowledge and data can vary greatly. This work extends the existing CM work to allow the generation of scenarios which is capable of representing, storing and supporting inference about inexact information, by the use of the propopsed notion of FCNs. For completeness, the basic concepts of CM are briefly introduced below. The knowledge base (KB) in a compositional modeller consists of a number of generic and reusable model frag- ments, each of which represents a set of relationships be- tween domain objects and their states for a certain type of partial scenario. A model fragment (MF) has two parts that encode domain knowledge: 1) The relations between domain elements, often represented in a form that is similar to the style of conventional production rules, but involving much more general contents; and 2) a set of rule instances that represent how certainly it is that the corresponding relation- ships hold. More formally, an MF is a tuple ?X,Y,H?, as generally described below: If X Assuming H Relations {X, H ? Y} Distribution Y {A 1 j 1 ,...,A n j n ,C 1 i 1 ,...,C q i q ? B 1 j n+1 ,...,B m j n+m : p} In this definition, X = {x 1 ,...,x n } is a set of antecedent predicates. The If statement describes the required condi- tions for a partial scenario to become applicable; H = {h 1 ,...,h q } is a (possibly empty) set of assumptions, re- ferring to those pieces of information which are unknown or cannot be inferred from others, but they may be presumed to hold for the sake of performing hypothetical reason- ing; Y = {y 1 ,...,y m } is a set of consequent predicates, which describe the consequences when the conditions and assumptions hold, including pieces of new knowledge or relations which are derived from the hypothetical reasoning; p indicates the certainty degree of its corresponding outcome if the MF is instantiated; and finally within the Distribution statement, the left hand side of the ?implication? sign in each propositional instance is a combination of value pairs, involving the values of antecedent and assumption variables, and the right hand side indicates the corresponding possible outcome if the MF is instantiated. Note that, in CM, it is not required that every possible combination of antecedent and assumption values has to be assigned a certainty degree. This is because the number of combinations will increase exponentially with the number of variables. In acquiring domain knowledge, it is unlikely to obtain all such details but the most significant components. In the present work, the default certainty degree for those unassigned combinations is set to 0. For simplicity, in this work, the assumptions are treated as part of the antecedent due to their logical equivalence. Hence, a rule instance in an MF is of the form: IF x 1 is A 1 j 1 ?????x n is A n j n , THEN y 1 is B 1 j n+1 ?????y m is B m j n+m , (1) where the operator ? in the consequence is restricted to logical conjunction in this paper, but ? in the antecedence denotes either a conjunctive or disjunctive operator. Further, this rule can be decomposed to multiple simpler rules each involving a single consequence, and can equivalently be written as: IF x 1 is A 1 j 1 ?????x n is A n j n ,THENy 1 is B 1 j n+1 , ??? IF x 1 is A 1 j 1 ?????x n is A n j n ,THENy m is B m j n+m . Therefore, in the reminder of this work, only the rules with single consequence will be considered. In order to depict vague information in MFs, fuzzy rep- resentation has been introduced to CM in [6]. In particular, the values of fuzzy variables can be represented by fuzzy sets and certainty degrees can be represented in linguistic terms or fuzzy numbers. Interested readers can refer to [6] for further details. III. FUZZY COMPLEX NUMBERS A. Definition of FCNs Inherit from the real complex numbers, an FCN, ?z,is defined in the form of: ?z =?a + i ? b, (2) where both ?a and ? b are fuzzy numbers with membership functions ? ?a (x) and ? ? b (x), regarding a given domain vari- able x. ?a is the real part of ?z while ? b represents the imaginary part, i.e. Re(?z)=?a and Im(?z)= ? b. An FCN can be visually shown as in Fig. 1. Importantly, in general, for a given ?z, both Re(?z) and Im(?z) are fuzzy. If ? b does not exist, ?z degenerates to a fuzzy number. Further, if ? b does not exist and ?a iteself degenerates to a real number, then ?z degenerates to a real number. ~ a ~ b + b ~ i ~ a Im Re =z ~ Fig. 1. A fuzzy complex number B. Operations on FCNs The basic operations on FCNs form a straightforward extension of those on real complex numbers. Let tildewidez 1 =?a+i ? b and tildewidez 2 =?c+i ? d be two FCNs, where ?a, ? b, ?c and ? d are fuzzy numbers with membership functions ? ?a (x), ? ? b (x), ? ?c (x) and ? ? d (x), respectively. The basic arithmetic operations on tildewidez 1 and tildewidez 2 are defined as follows: Addition tildewidez 1 +tildewidez 2 =(?a +?c)+i( ? b + ? d), (3) where ?a+?c and ? b+ ? d are newly derived fuzzy numbers with the following membership functions: ? ?a+?c (y)= logicalortext y=x 1 +x 2 (? ?a (x 1 ) ? ? ?c (x 2 )), ? ? b+ ? d (y)= logicalortext y=x 1 +x 2 (? ? b (x 1 ) ? ? ? d (x 2 )). (4) Subtraction tildewidez 1 ?tildewidez 2 =(?a ? ?c)+i( ? b ? ? d), (5) where ?a??c and ? b? ? d are newly derived fuzzy numbers with the following membership functions: ? ?a??c (y)= logicalortext y=x 1 ?x 2 (? ?a (x 1 ) ? ? ?c (x 2 )), ? ? b? ? d (y)= logicalortext y=x 1 ?x 2 (? ? b (x 1 ) ? ? ? d (x 2 )). (6) Multiplication tildewidez 1 ?tildewidez 2 =(?a?c ? ? b ? d)+i( ? b?c +?a ? d), (7) where ?a?c? ? b ? d and ? b?c+?a ? d are newly derived fuzzy numbers with the following membership functions: ? ?a?c? ? b ? d (y)= logicalortext y=x 1 x 2 ?x 3 x 4 (? ?a (x 1 ) ? ? ?c (x 2 ) ? ? ? b (x 3 ) ? ? ? d (x 4 )), ? ? b?c+?a ? d (y)= logicalortext y=x 1 x 2 +x 3 x 4 (? ? b (x 1 ) ? ? ?c (x 2 ) ? ? ?a (x 3 ) ? ? ? d (x 4 )). (8) Division tildewidez 1 tildewidez 2 = parenleftBigg ?a?c + ? b ? d ?c 2 + ? d 2 parenrightBigg + i parenleftBigg ? b?c ? ?a ? d ?c 2 + ? d 2 parenrightBigg . (9) For notational simplicity, let ? t 1 = ?a?c+ ? b ? d ?c 2 + ? d 2 and ? t 2 = ? b?c??a ? d ?c 2 + ? d 2 , where ? t 1 and ? t 2 are newly derived fuzzy numbers with the following membership functions: ? ? t 1 (y)= logicalortext y= x 1 x 3 +x 2 x 4 x 2 3 +x 2 4 ,x 2 3 +x 2 4 negationslash=0 (? ?a (x 1 )? ? ? b (x 2 )? ? ?c (x 3 )? ? ? d (x 4 )), ? ? t 2 (y)= logicalortext y= x 2 x 3 ?x 1 x 4 x 2 3 +x 2 4 ,x 2 3 +x 2 4 negationslash=0 (? ?a (x 1 )? ? ? b (x 2 )? ? ?c (x 3 )? ? ? d (x 4 )). (10) Modulus Given ?z 1 =?a + i ? b, the modulus of ?z 1 is defined: |?z 1 | = radicalBig ?a 2 + ? b 2 . (11) It is obvious that |?z 1 | is a newly derived fuzzy number with the following membership function: ? |?z 1 | (y)= logicalordisplay y= ? x 2 1 +x 2 2 (? ?a (x 1 ) ? ? ? b (x 2 )). (12) IV. PROPAGATION OF FCNSDURINGMODEL COMPOSITION When dynamically composing instantiated MFs into plau- sible scenarios, the vague and uncertain information (which can be concisely represented in terms of FCNs) needs to be propagated from individual fragments to their related ones. This section describes how inexact information captured in FCNs may be combined and propagated through relations. Note that whilst CM is herein used to illustrate the combi- national propagation of FCNs, the underlying mechanism is general and can be readily adapted to suit other problems. A. Propagation In CM, each proposition which reflects a node in the space of plausible scenario descriptions (called emerging scean- rio space hereafter) has an FCN attached. Also, each rule instance in any generic MF has an FCN attached, denoted by ?z r , indicating the certainty degree of the corresponding causal proposition. The propagation of FCNs during model composition is a process of combining the FCNs given to the variables (antecedents or consequent) with the FCN attached to an instantiated rule instance (?z r ). For simplicity, the following rule instance in an MF: IF x 1 is A 1 j 1 ?????x n is A n j n ,THENy is B j n+1 (?z r ) is rewritten as: IF p 1 ?????p n ,THENc (?z r ), where p 1 ,...,p n are the antecedent propositions, c is the consequent proposition and ?z r is the FCN attached to the rule. Again, ? in the antecedence may be interpreted as either a conjunctive or disjunctive operator. Proposition 1: If ? is a conjunctive operator, the aggre- gated FCN of the antecedent is: ?z antecedent = min(Re(?z p 1 ),...,Re(?z p n )) +imin(Im(?z p 1 ),...,Im(?z p n )). (13) Proposition 2: If ? is a disjunctive operator, the aggre- gated FCN of the antecedent is: ?z antecedent = max(Re(?z p 1 ),...,Re(?z p n )) +imax(Im(?z p 1 ),...,Im(?z p n )). (14) Since the rule instance in an MF only has the certainty degree attached, i.e. ?z r = Re(?z r ), the newly derived FCN attached to the consequence is computed as: ?z new =?z antecedent ? ?z r = Re(?z antecedent ) ? ?z r + iIm(?z antecedent ) ? ?z r , (15) where Re(?z antecedent ), Im(?z antecedent ) and ?z r are repre- sented by different fuzzy numbers. During model composition, given a set of collected ev- idence and a pre-defined KB, plausible scenarios can be generated by joint use of two conventional inference tech- niques, namely backward chaining and forward chaining. In forward-chaining, the values of the antecedent variables are known, the value of the consequent variable is derived by using the compositional rule of inference. However, due to the lack of inverse operators over fuzzy sets, given the value of the consequent variable, no general method exists to derive the exact values of antecedent variables by direct computation. This is especially the case when there are more than one antecedent variable involved. To address this problem, in this work, the fuzzy rule instances contained within MFs are not used to derive the unknown values of the antecedent variables. Instead, such causal constraints over the antecedent and consequent variables are employed to check for consistency amongst their respective values. Both forward and backward chaining processes are explained in detail below. Due to the nature of evidence-driven scenario generation, backward chaining is described first. 1) Backward chaining: This involves the abduction of domain variables and their states which might have led to the available evidence. Plausible causes can be identified by instantiating the conditions and assumptions of those MFs whose consequent matches the given evidence. However, for efficiency, only those possible causes whose consequences matching with the given evidence have resulted in the great- est FCN modulus are created in the emerging scenario space. As indicated earlier, during backward chaining, where ?z c and ?z r are given, no general method exists to derive the exact value of ?z antecedent in a closed form. Hence, specific fuzzy quantity spaces are built to approximately represent the possible values of the real and imagery parts of ?z antecedent , assuming that they can only take values from such predefined quantity spaces. For computational simplicity, in this work, it is further assumed that only fuzzy values from a common quantity space, Q FN = {V FN 1 ,...,V FN j ,...,V FN n },are possibly taken by ?z c and ?z r . Algorithm 1 is constructed by ensuring the generality that each element in Q FN may be the possible value of ?z antecedent . Thus, all such values are checked using (15) as the constraint. The value that best satisfies this constraint when given ?z c , is selected to represent ?z antecedent . Note that the Re(?z c ) and Im(?z c ) are checked against the constraint separately. Algorithm 1 BackwardPropagation(?z c , ?z r ) 1: Re(?z antecedent ) ?? 2: Im(?z antecedent ) ?? 3: S Re =0 4: S Im =0 5: for j =1:n do 6: if S(Re(?z c ),V FN j ? ?z r ) >S Re then 7: S Re = S(Re(?z c ),V FN j ? ?z r ) 8: Re(?z antecedent )=V FN j 9: end if 10: if S(Im(?z c ),V FN j ? ?z r ) >S Im then 11: S Im = S(Im(?z c ),V FN j ? ?z r ) 12: Im(?z antecedent )=V FN j 13: end if 14: end for 15: return ?z antecedent Once ?z antecedent is obtained, the next step is to derive the individual FCNs of each antecedent variable. Take the conjunctive operator for example, the following constraints are introduced: min(Re(?z p 1 ),...,Re(?z p n )) = Re(?z antecedent ), min(Im(?z p 1 ),...,Im(?z p n )) = Im(?z antecedent ). (16) These constraints simply state that, for any (V FN m ,...,V FN k ) ? Q FN ?????Q FN , where Q FN is the fuzzy quantity space [13] for both real and imaginary parts of FCN. If min(V FN m ,...,V FN k )=Re(?z antecedent ), then V FN m ,...,V FN k are possible solutions for each real part of ?z p 1 ,...,?z p n , respectively. Similarly, the possible solutions of the imaginary parts can be obtained. Note that, if ? is interpreted as a disjunctive operator, all is needed is to change the min operator in (16) to max. 2) Forward chaining: This procedure applies logical de- duction to all such the MFs in the KB whose conditions match the existing nodes in the emerging scenario space. Therefore, the corresponding FCN propagation algorithm is straightforward, as described in Algorithm 2. In particular, ?z antecedent and ?z r are known, the ?z new is computed by applying (15), where ?z new is the calculated FCN of the consequent variable. Given the fixed Q FN in this work, once ?z new is computed, it is used to match against the elements of Q FN , the element receives the highest fuzzy matching degree with ?z new is returned to represent ?z c . Algorithm 2 ForwardPropagation(?z p 1 ,...,?z p n , ?z r ) 1: Calculate ?z antecedent 2: ?z new =?z antecedent ? ?z r 3: S Re =0 4: S Im =0 5: for j =1:n do 6: if S(V FN j ,Re(?z new )) >S Re then 7: S Re = S(V FN j ,Re(?z new )) 8: Re(?z c )=V FN j 9: end if 10: if S(V FN j ,Im(?z new )) >S Im then 11: S Im = S(V FN j ,Im(?z new )) 12: Im(?z c )=V FN j 13: end if 14: end for 15: return ?z c B. FCN updating In the emerging scenario space, if an existing node resulted from instantiating another MF such that two instantiated MFs share a common variable value, then the existing FCNs associated with this node needs to be updated for consistency. Suppose that for a certain variable to take value A, and that the following two FCNs are obtained through different inference procedures: ?z A = V FN i + iV FN j , ?z prime A = V FN p + iV FN q , where V FN i ,V FN j ,V FN p and V FN q denote different ele- ments in the pre-defined Q FN respectively. The work here uses the modulus of an FCN to evaluate the overall infor- mation content of its associated variable value. If |?z A | and |?z prime A | are the same (whilst ?z A negationslash=?z prime A ), then both ?z A and ?z prime A will be kept as possible FCNs. However, if |?z A | negationslash= |?z prime A |, then the newly updated FCN of this variable taking value A is obtained by: ?z primeprime A = min(V FN i ,V FN p )+imin(V FN j ,V FN q ). (17) This has an intuitive appeal because if (17) holds, then both ?z A and ?z prime A will also hold. V. A PPLICATION TO CRIME INVESTIGATION A. The crime case This illustrative example is extracted and adapted from a realistic case described in [7]. Consider the following case description: The victim was discovered lying on this back across his bed with a semiautomatic Remington .308 model 742 rifle between his legs. There were two bullet holes in the roof of the victim?s trailer, suggesting that two shots had been fired upward towards the ceiling. Also, the window near the bed has been shattered. The preliminary observations suggested that the victim had shot himself in the head with the weapon and this case was classified as a suicide at the beginning. However, according to the expertise, it is very unlikely for a weapon to discharge twice during the suicide process due to a reflex action, it has never been reported in any forensic journal. Hence, another explanation comes up, this is possibly a homicidal case. B. Knowledge representation In order to model the above case, four fuzzy variables are extracted from the description as defined in Table II. Suppose that the KB contains the following two MFs: If {x 1 } Relations {x 1 ? x 2 } Distribution { r 1 : low powered ? low (Veryhigh) r 2 : low powered ? medium (Medium) r 3 : low powered ? aloud (Verysmall) r 4 : medium ? low (Small) r 5 : medium ? medium (Veryhigh) r 6 : medium ? aloud (Small) r 7 : high powered ? low (Verysmall) r 8 : high powered ? medium (Medium) r 9 : high powered ? aloud (Veryhigh) } (MF 1 ) If {x 2 ,x 3 } Relations {x 2 ,x 3 ? x 4 } Distribution { r 1 : aloud, near ? high (Veryhigh) r 2 : aloud, medium ? high(High) r 3 : aloud, far ? high (Small) r 4 : medium, near ? high (High) r 5 : medium, medium ? high (Medium) r 6 : medium, far ? high (Small) r 7 : low, near ? high (Medium) r 8 : low, medium ? high (Small) r 9 : low, far ? high (Verysmall) } (MF 2 ) In this work for simplicity, the fuzzy numbers used to form FCNs (namely, both certainty and fuzzy matching degrees) are defined in the following fuzzy quantity space, as illustrated in Fig. 2: Q FN = {Very small,Small,Medium,High,V ery high}. C. Generation of plausible scenario space Suppose that after examination of the death scene, two pieces of evidence are collected: e 1 : The degree of window shattered is quite high, with certainty degree Very high. e 2 : The Remington .308 model 742 rifle was found, with certainty degree Very high. Initial creation of an emerging scenario space is done by matching a given piece of evidence, say e 1 , against the KB. Assume that the matching degree of e 1 and ?x 4 is high?inMF 2 is High. Hence, the first node, ?x 4 is high?, is added to the emerging scenario space with the FCN: Very high + iHigh. Given this and the instantiated MF 2 , backward chaining is performed from x 4 . This leads to x 2 and x 3 being added to the emerging scenario space. By applying Algorithm 1 to MF 2 , the results of Table I are obtained. In order to avoid generating unnecessary explanations, the modeller produces only the current best or the most plausible explanations in the first instance. That is, the approach will not create alternative but less plausible explanation unless the current best has to be discarded. With regard to the use of the modulus of a derived FCN for plausibility evaluation, r 2 and r 4 are established to outperform the rest. This means that either ?the sound volume is aloud and the distance is medium? or ?the sound volume is medium and the distance is near? is the most plausible situation to have caused the quite high degree of window shattered. 1 ? X 00.25 0.5 0.75 1 Very_small Very_highSmall Medium High Fig. 2. Fuzzy quantity space for both certainty and fuzzy matching degrees TABLE I RESULTS OF BACKWARD CHAINING DUE TO e 1 Rule index Re(?z antecedent ) Im(?z antecedent ) r 1 Very high High r 2 Very high Very high r 3 N/A N/A r 4 Very high Very high r 5 N/A Very high r 6 N/A N/A r 7 N/A Very high r 8 N/A N/A r 9 N/A N/A TABLE II FUZZY VARIABLES Var Interpretation Domain x 1 Power level of the weapon {low powered, medium, high powered} x 2 Sound volume of the weapon {low, medium, aloud} x 3 Distance between the discharge position and the window {near, medium, far} x 4 Degree of win- dow shattered {very low, low, medium, quite high, high} According to Table I, ?z antecedent r 2 = Very high + iV ery high, it follows from (16) that Re(?z antecedent r 2 )=min(Re(?z x 2 :aloud ),Re(?z x 3 :medium )), Im(?z antecedent r 2 )=min(Im(?z x 2 :aloud ),Im(?z x 3 :medium )). It is obvious that Re(?z antecedent r 2 )=Veryhigh ?? braceleftBigg Re(?z x 2 :aloud )=Veryhigh Re(?z x 3 :medium )=Veryhigh Im(?z antecedent r 2 )=Veryhigh ?? braceleftBigg Im(?z x 2 :aloud )=Veryhigh Im(?z x 3 :medium )=Veryhigh Therefore, the FCNs associated with x 2 : aloud and x 3 : medium can be respectively written as: ?z x 2 :aloud = Veryhigh + iV ery high, ?z x 3 :medium = Veryhigh + iV ery high. Similarly, the FCNs attached to r 4 can be derived. After that, the newly created instances of plausible causes are recursively used in the same manner as if each of them was the original piece of evidence. As a result, MF 1 is then instantiated, x 1 is added and the FCNs associated with the states of x 1 can be obtained in the same way as above. This phase of backward chaining (with given e 1 ) leads to what is shown in Fig. 3. VH + i VHmedium VH + i VHmedium VH + i VHnear high VH + iH high_powered VH + i VH 1 aloud VH + i VH 2 VH + i VHmedium 3 12 3 4 x x x x x x x Fig. 3. Emerging scenario space after backward chaining initiated by e 1 Given e 2 and the same KB, no backward chaining is needed as the information Remington .308 model 742 rifle only matches the antecedent of MF 1 as a high powered weapon with the FCN : Very high+iHigh. This piece of evidence is then used to revise the emerging scenario space of Fig. 3 by forward chaining. In particular, the FCN associated with the node ?x 1 is high powered? is updated by using con- straint (17). This leads to the result that the FCN associated with x 1 being high powered becomes Very high + iHigh. As the variable value for x 1 is high powered, the strategy of best-first generation of the scenario space will ensure the removal of the lower branch of Fig. 3. The forward chaining procedure is much easier to complete as it involves straightforward calculations only. The results are listed in Table III. TABLE III RESULTS OF FORWARD CHAINING PROPAGATION DUE TO e 2 Rule index Re(?z c ) Im(?z c ) r 7 Very small Very small r 8 Medium Medium r 9 Very high High According to the modulus of the FCN obtained for each matched propositional instance, the one associated with r 9 in MF 1 outperforms those associated with the rest. The consequence of r 9 in MF 1 ,?x 2 is aloud?, is therefore firstly instantiated. Because ?x 2 is aloud? already exists in the emerging space, it is only needed to update the FCN as- sociated with it, which is done in the same manner as above. The revised scenario space is depicted in Fig. 4. For this simple example, no further instantiations and propagations of variable states are possible. Hence, Fig. 4 is the final outcome of the entire CM process. In summary, the resulting scenario space offers the best explanation possible for the collected pieces of evidence. According to the initial case description, the bed is near the window, hence, the victim lying on the bed did not shot himself, because the distance between the discharge position and the window is establish to be medium in the resultant scenario description. Therefore, this case is suggested being a homicide rather than a suicide. x 1 aloud VH + iHhigh_powered VH + iVHmedium VH + iHhigh x 2 x 3 x 4 VH + iH Fig. 4. Emerging scenario space after forward chaining VI. CONCLUSIONS This paper has presented a novel framework of fuzzy complex numbers, which is capable of representing and propagating different kinds of inexact knowledge and data in a unified manner. This ability is demonstrated by exploiting the framework to support the task of compositional mod- elling. Additionally, from the CM point of view, the proposed method not only provides a more concise and flexible knowl- edge representation formalism, but also enhances the capa- bility of CM to handle a wide range of inexact information. Finally, the utility and usefulness of the proposed framework are illustrated by means of an application to the construction of plausible descriptions from given evidence in the crime investigation domain. Note that whilst crime investigation is herein used to demonstrate the applicability of FCNs, the proposed framework is general and can be readily adapted to suit different problems such as representing knowledge for multifinered robot hand manipulation in [8], [10]. Whilst the results are promising, the present notion of FCNs is only capable of jointly representing two kinds of inexactness. It remains as an important piece of further research to extend this framework to arbitrary n-types of inexact information. Also, a more general constraint satisfac- tion mechanism suitable for constraining variables modified by FCNs would help to improve the generality of this work. In particular, this may avoid the need to prefix just one common quantity space which the real and imaginary parts of any FCN may take values from. REFERENCES [1] J. J. Buckley. Fuzzy complex numbers. Fuzzy Sets Syst., 33(3):333? 345, 1989. [2] J. J. Buckley. Fuzzy complex analysis II: integration. Fuzzy Sets Syst., 49(2):171?179, 1992. [3] J. J. Buckley and Y. Qu. Fuzzy complex analysis I: differentiation. Fuzzy Sets Syst., 41(3):269?284, 1991. [4] S. Dick. Toward complex fuzzy logic. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 13(3):405?414, 2005. [5] B. Falkenhainer and K. Forbus. Compositional modelling: Finding the right model for the job. Artificial Intelligence, 51:95?143, 1991. [6] X. Fu, Q. Shen, and R. Zhao. Towards fuzzy compositional modelling. 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